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Coach John's Slamin Summer Workout

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Soccer Training Program

Coach John Marshall


The training program that I have outlined will concentrate on four areas of fitness:

                        1.   Endurance

                        2.   Strength

                        3.   Flexibility

                        4.   Playing ball


By training in these four areas, you will achieve a level of fitness that will be the foundation on which we build from for the entire season.  Your level of fitness will be one of the most important components of our team.

IMPORTANT: Keep a record of your progress and bring to first day of practice




Your endurance training is the most important component of fitness.  All players, regardless of position, need to build a strong aerobic base.  The best and most practical method is running.  The following is a good schedule for you to follow.



Week one (June 19 through 25)

Ø       run 3 days a week

Ø       run 1 mile at a 9:00 pace for two days

Ø       run 2 miles at a relaxing pace for one day

Weekly mileage = 4 miles


Week two (June 26 through July 2)

Ø       run 3 days a week

Ø       run 1 mile at a 9:00 pace for two days

Ø       run 2 miles at a 10:00 pace for one day

Weekly mileage = 4 miles


Week three (July 3 through 9)

Ø       run 4 days a week

Ø       run 1 mile at a 8:30 pace for two days

Ø       run 2 miles at an 10:00 pace for one day

Ø       run 2 miles at a relaxing pace for one day

Weekly mileage = 6 miles


Week four (July 10 through July 16)

Ø       run 4 days a week

Ø       run 1 mile at a 8:30 pace for two days

Ø       run 2 miles at an 9:30 pace for one day

Ø       run 3 miles at a relaxing pace for one day

Weekly mileage = 7 miles


Sprints: 2 x per week

Week one (June 19 through 25): run 5, 20 yard sprints with 15 second rest between each

Week two (June 26 through July 2): run 10, 20 yard sprints with 15 second rest between each

Week three (July 3 through 9): run 10, 20 yard sprints with 15 second rest between each

Week four (July 10 through 16): run 15, 20 yard sprints with 15 second rest between each




Sit-ups:  One of the most important muscle groups for soccer players are the abdominals.  Most everything you do, running, shooting, turning, throw-ins, heading, jumping, involves the stomach muscles


Ø       5 days a week

Ø       maximum repetition (as many as you can do at one time)

Ø       2 sets with a 3 minute rest in between sets

Ø       keep arms folded across chest and knees bent




Ø       5 days a week

Ø       maximum repetition

Ø       2 sets with a 3 minute rest in between sets

Ø       military style (elbows point behind you, arms in tight)




Flexibility is an important aspect of sports in general and especially in soccer.  Not only will it make you more agile and improve your performance, it will also reduce injuries related to small tissue tears and severe muscle pulls.  You need to develop good stretching habits NOW! while your young


Ø       5 days a week

Ø       stretch at least 20 minutes a session

Ø       start with your ankles and work up the body to your head

Ø      don't make it a chore, make it a challenge   




When all is said and done and you've spent the entire month before practices start in July getting fit without having touched a soccer ball, the entire time was all for nothing.  YOU MUST DO BOTH!  If you must train individually, do so. Of course, playing in game situations is ideal whether it's 11 v. 11, 5 v. 5 or 1 v. 1.  You just need to play.  So call a friend(s) and play a small sided game.


Ø       train with a ball at least 5 times a week

Ø       play small sided games any time you can

Ø       work on your non-dominant foot every time you play

Ø       juggle whenever you train (keep a record of how well you are doing)

Ø       strikers and midfielders should shoot around 50 balls a session. (ask your parents to take you over to a field that has a net)

Ø       backs should work on long balls 15 - 25 yards

Ø       goalkeepers should work on punts, throws and ball control using their hands.


 I am looking forward to the upcoming season and hope that you are too.  In order to be successful it is important that each member of the TEAM, perform and play well at the Challenge level.  We can't allow teams to beat us because we are not fit and we will hope to beat teams because we are fit.  Fitness will be a deciding factor in many games, especially early in the season.  Work hard ladies and I am sure that we will be successful.


This is not mandatory, but rather a guide to help you prepare for the upcoming season.  The more work you put in towards fitness during the summer, the less we will have to focus on when we start practices in late July.  If you have any questions concerning the training program, please call Dennis Librandi at 712 9331


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